Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Becky Decoupage

Well here's to exploring a new frontier...Decoupage. I just finished a new project and that was to decorate over some absolutely horrible decorations I bought 4 years ago on a whim from Hobby Lobby.Almost every time since they have been purchased and Ive walked passed them I have cringed(which is a lot because they are on my way to the bathroom).

So I decided to take charge, take a chance and do something about it :) I dove right into the exciting world of decoupage.

Step one: Find a theme or get inspired and chose your creative direction
Step two: Chose a object you want to decoupage
Step Three: Cut out designs or images
Step Four: Attach with adhesive to objects surface
Step Five:Use Mod Podge(or what ever brand or homemade decoupaging paste your going to use and layer coats
Results (drum roll please)
I am partial to the 2 containing my ultrasound pictures and sons 1st foot prints
Peacock,stamps,birdcages,birds and dandelions(a few of my favorite things)

Old school cameras and a gold fish :)

Decoupage is the art of decorating a object by gluing paper cut outs to it in combination with special painting effects.Here is some sweet examples from the net
Love the lock and key detail and I also used music sheet backgrounds

Considering decoupaging my bathroom ceiling when I get better

Love the road map theme and the vintage phone as well

So neat concept decoupage blew my mind

By definition I have technically done this before as a textured wall covering for my kitchen...
My kitchen wall

but I haven't used it as a cover-up operation or to decorate the home per say so the idea was a little intimidating. With decoupage the possibilitys are endless, you can use anything from gift wrapping to matchbook and almost all surfaces are decoupagable :)


serving tray(its the little things)


  1. Those are awesome...Alyssa would be great at making stuff like this. I'm going to pass it on to her

  2. I love the little foot prints!!!! So cute! =)

  3. Ola! Lindos trabalhos. Parabens! Estou seguindo o blog. Espero que possas seguir o meu tb. http://tildasgauchas.blogspot.com
    Ficarei feliz
